water changing


i have a 210 gallon tank and the nitrates are getting high. i just added a buch of algea in the sump and to new pumps over the weekend. and i just did a big water change. the question is how long should i wait to do another big water change?


Active Member
I'd do another 20% tomorrow, and then another 20% on Monday/Tuesday.
What was your initial NO3 reading?


Active Member
OK. Yep, do another 20% tomorrow, then do another 20% on Monday, Tuesday, AND Wednesday.
This should bring you down to under 20 on your nitrate scale. Make sure you let your water batches sit for a day before you add to tank....ie as soon as you do your next water change, get the water ready for the the next.
Hope that helps.
You don't have any inhabitant that is passed away in the corner of the tank do you?....i.e. everyone is accounted for?


oh i will do that water change. i am missing some fish that i cant find in the tank. i would have to take out lots of rock to go digging for them


Active Member
Check your nitrates after each change to make sure they are going down....
Take 'attendance' every day
Make sure your test kit is 'in date'
Change at least 20 gallons each week.
Best wishes


Its late and my brain is a little fried but I seem to recall a post that stated that instead of doing a lot of little changes you should do fewer big changes. The bigger changes would get your levels down sooner because of the percent of the water change. If you are missing a few fish that will make your numbers climb. If you can't find them you might be able to add some crabs or shrimp to find them for you. Good luck.