Water chnage at night or during the day?


I know people with sumps arent affected by water changes but us without are. my fish seem to get pretty scared when i do a water change. so i started to doing water chnages at night, and it seems they are still scared but not as much. i was wondering who does water changes at night and who does them during the day

30-xtra high

Active Member
i do all mine at night... but just because i'm always hanging out with my friends during the day, so i don't do them at night for the fish.. my fish seem to react the same, they just hide in their lil territory


Active Member
I do mine during the day before lights are on. For me thats usually morning to early afternoon. Fish arent as scared and its just a much better time for me.

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by kroch3rd
I know people with sumps arent affected by water changes but us without are. my fish seem to get pretty scared when i do a water change. so i started to doing water chnages at night, and it seems they are still scared but not as much. i was wondering who does water changes at night and who does them during the day
what do you mean "those with sumps aren't affected"? do they not also have to do water changes??


Yes we do. maybe not as often but water changes arent just to lower nitrates its also to replenish trace elements and other useful stuff that the corals and fish need to be healthy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
what do you mean "those with sumps aren't affected"? do they not also have to do water changes??
With sumps the water level in the dt doesn't change.


Active Member
I do my water changes in the middle of the day and none of my fish ever seem to care. A half an hour later, you would not even know I did a water change besides seeing that it is cleaner in the tank.


it doesnt change but shutting ff the pumps from the sump to the display effects them just the same though. I have had both with and without.


Active Member
I do mine during the day because I clean when I do water changes so I need the light to see. Simple as that!


Do them during the day so you can clean and see to clean. Your fish will get used to you. There are alot more things to worry about in this hobby then interrupting your fishes life for 30 minutes a week. They should actually thank you.