Water Circulation????


I have a 35G corner and I want to know if a SEIO M620 which produces 620 GPH is too much for my small tank. I dont have coral and only 6 small fish. If its too much can you suggest 2 smaller heads I could use. ***Also wheres the optimal placement of a strong powerhead? and If I dont go with the SEIO wheres a good place for 2 smaller heads?


Active Member
thats not too much circulation that makes around 19x's turnover in your tank which would be good for some easy corals and fish are fine with that....
u could always get two smaller but id stay somewhere around that amount of flow and the seios are good cuz they give a broad flow pattern instead of a narrow one most power heads give


I am thinking it would be better to have the SEIO with its wide flow even though I have read that it might be better to have 2 smaller ones. One pointed at the rock and one pointed at the sand. Also where would I place the SEIO? At the surface, middle or bottom? Whats the dilly?


Active Member
id say place it middle and have it shotting across the entire tank.... u could even do another power head on the other side that will hit the seios flow and create random turbulent streams within the tank