Water Cirulation?? Too much and advice


Just curious If I have too much circulation. I didn't really think about it until I added everything up.
I have 115g 48*18*31ish and w/ powerheads and filtration, I have 2200+ gallons per hour circulating through the tank. IF it is too much, what should I do.
Secondly, w/ the four powerheads I have, what would be some of your advise as to set up? Right now, I have two in the back corners about 4in from the top of the water point a lil inwards to the tank. Two more are on the sides about 10in from the sandbed, pointed straightforward in front of LR. Any suggestions or comments?


Active Member
From what I understand that is excellent circulation, but not too much. As far as setup, it really does not matter as long as you do not have any dead spots where there is no flow or areas where detritus collects. With that much flow, it is highly unlikely you have any dead spots, but it is still possible. If you realize you have an area where detritus collects, move a powerhead to get flow in that area to keep it suspended so it can be filtered out mechanically.


Eliminate the dead spots. I was taught to take a piece of frozen brine shrimp and watch where it settles. (unless you have fish in there of course). If it settles then you need flow there.


Active Member
Justs depends on the corals you keep?
If I added up all the powerheads and pumps I use on my 120 it would top out around 6000 gph.


thank you all for the advice. I will try some stuff to see if there are any dead spots. Thank you again.