Water Clarity


I'm sure even how to explain this, but here goes...
My water is not "crystal clear" as it is filled with tiny particles - I can't even photograph them because they are too small. It's not so much cloudy as it just isn't clear. I turned off the powerhead for a while, so I can rule out microbubbles, and it isn't the sandbed because the tank is 3 weeks old.
any help would be great.


no advice, but i do have the same problem. Ive tried water changes, clarity drops, and turning off my small powerhead. Turning off the powerhead seems to help alot, but its still not crystal clear like tanks i see at the LFS, and in know i spend much more time taking care of mine than they do.


Active Member
If it is water color, use carbon. If it is particles, make sure your filter pad (if you are using one) is clean so that it can remove more debris. Also, particles can float around for weeks longer than 3.


No, no color - but when I turn off the pumps the particles don't sink or rise...they just sit there. Odd.