Water conditions


New Member
Hi I need some help learning the test kit a friend gave me, its a red sea marine lab test kit,
5 in one test kit it measures ph alk nh3/nh4 no2 no3 im not doing very well with it, some of the test have to be held 8 inches away from the cards to determine water sample.
are all the kits like this ? am i wrong when i look at the color and think holly crap this is way high and start changing water. will samples appear to be higher than what they are? according to the nitrite sample card im at .05-1.0 ppm in a 30 gallon tall tank I have changed out five gallons and will change out the water over the next few days to bring it down. is there an easier kit? and if so please tell where to get it :needhelp: :help:


Hay CableGuy35
First all, I would think it would be pretty hard to match colors if you had to hold the test tube that far away from the card. I bought the same test kit when I first started out, and it was a huge mistake. It was giving me all kind of false negatives on ammonia and trites and trates. I didn’t find this out till I took a sample of water to my LFS and had it tested, I was way off. The LFS uses the Tetra Test kits and they are far better than the Red Sea ones. With these you hold the test tube right up to the card. I also like the fact that every test uses 5ml of water, and either 7 or 14 drops of each reagent. This makes it extremely easy to remember how to do each test. Unlike the Red Sea tests witch use different amounts of water and reagent for each test. Many people will also recommend the Salifert Kits. These are also great. They are even easier to use than the Tetra Tests and are slightly easier to read. I have a mix of both of the two brands, and find that they are both pretty consistent with each other. Also, with the Salifert test you put the test tube right next to the card.


New Member
Wow Thanks Dhughesz28 your hit that test kit on the head with the diffrent water amounts and the tilting of the test tube on an angle to read 8 inches off a white back ground, the 2 kits you mentioned sound alot easier to use, and maybe it will help me settle down and stop freaking out so much about my water.
Could you please tell me where i can find them,
Thanks Matt


New Member
WOW i just did a search on the Salifert test kits I found a Salifert pro package $271.99 :scared: are these kits that expensive? thats almost a weeks wages for me is there any thing thats less expensive but would give you good results. (hevy Sighs.....)


New Member
I found this tetra test kit on line will this cover all of what i would need or will i need to add to this kit? its doesnt say anything about nitrates but i have a nitrate test kit.
For Freshwater and Marine Aquariums and Ponds
This kit contains materials for the professional measurement of:
pH Freshwater & pH Saltwater
Carbonate Hardness
General Hardness
Carbon Dioxide
Kit Contents:
pH: 2 - 10 ml
KH: 1 - 20 ml
GH: 1 - 20 ml
Nitrite: 2 - 10 ml
Ammonia: 1 - 6 ml, 1 - 10 ml, 1 - 17 ml


Matt. I bought the same tetra test kit you have. I added the Nitrite kit to it also. I also bought a bunch of Salifert kits for comparison (pH, NO3, Calcium) Im also trying to find a salifert Iodine test kit. I found that the tetra and Salifert kits were reading the same on the pH, and NO3, so either kits would be good.
And yes the Salifert kits are good but pricy, It would be alot cheeper to go to the famous auction site and buy the kits seperatly. I think I got my three salifert kits (from sep people) for about $35 including shipping for all 3.
If your staying with fish only, your OK with the Tetra kit you have, just pick up a tetra NO3 kit and you will be all set. If you plan to have corals and such, pick up at least a calcium and Iodine kit as well.