by water conditions, do you mean temp??
most tropicals need temps around 74 to keep bacteria down
sq around 1.024
med to low flow. you can have a little higher, but should have areas of low for horses to rest.
most everything else would be the same as any other tank
no, they require the same as any reef tank, just lower temps, lower flow. No aggresive fish or corals. Taller tanks are better, and nothing less then 29 gal per pair.
Only by Captive breed, not tank raised.
oh ok so i have a 12gal and a week ago i saw a couple of seahorses that i wanted to buy, they are babied not really small but they were still juveniles can i get one at least? and no corals at all or can i keep mushrooms and polyps?
A 12 gal is too small for even juvi horses. They will grow to round 7 inch long, very quickly. not to mention the water quality would be very hard to keep up. They are messy, and have to be fed at least three times a day.
Originally Posted by veronicad http:///forum/post/2605272
You could keep dwarf seahorses in a 12 gal. Harder to find captive bred, but not impossible.
how big do they get? send pics if u have any.
Dwarfs get about an inch to inch and a half long, and must be fed live newly hatched brine shrimp. your 12 gal cube would have to be moded so they would not get sucked into the filters.
Look thru this forum, there are plenty of pictures of the dwarfs.