water cooling


My apartment complex doesn't turn on the air conditioning till May. My tank is really starting to heat up. Its about 76 right now. What would happen if i freeze block of my tank water and put them back in the sump to cool down the water. Would this be a worth while measure?


New Member
I could be wrong but im not sure if the saltwater would freeze. You could always freeze water in a large ziplock bag and place that in the sump


Although I don't know what you have in your tank, 78-80 is a very good temp. range so you still have some degrees to go. ( I'm from southeast Pa. too and I understand it's supposed to cool down by the weekend.)
Do you use any kind of cover between your tank and your lights? How far above your tank are your lights? If your lights are 3 or 4 inches (at least) above your water and you don't have any really active swimmers (splashers), and you're using a cover, you can safely remove it. The increased evaporation will help cool your tank. :p


Ouch! I'm not an expert but I believe incandescent bulbs burn hotter than many other types. With your lighing set-up you may need a chiller.


Yes, 84 is close to the danger zone. You could do a water change......assuming the "new" water is cooler than that in your tank. You could do what Acurasquirrel suggested and place a frozen zip-lock bag in your sump. Leave any windows near your tank open at night to achieve maximum cooling. Reduce your lighting time....but if you have corals, don't reduce too much all at once or you will shock them.
I feel your pain. My tank was at 82 last night when I got home but I left windows open and it's back down to 78 this morning. I think tonight is time for the air-conditioning in my house.
Good luck!!


Here's my way to cooling down when it comes to summer season.
i always freeze one zipbag with water in it..
when temp goes up i take out that zipback and put it in powerfilter...there's enough space to slide that frozen zipbag..it worked for me.. :)