water flow problem, I think

1st timer

Hey all, i want to move my sump skimmer and such sixteen feet away from the tank into another room on the same floor. it looks like after all the plumbing is in place and all setup it looks like the water will fall 18 inches in sixteen feet.
Does anyone think this will workor not? You have to imagine water going down a 1 inch diameter pipe on a diagonal 16 feet falling 18 inches from one end to the other.
The return will be a 3/4 inch pipe on a mag 950.Water flow will be from a CS100 to sump. :help:


Active Member
It will drain, thats an inch per foot in fall and should be fine. Although I would run a 1 1/4" drain and 1" return at min. At that length head pressure is gonna be an issue or both runs. How much flow are you shooting for in the main tank?

1st timer

Originally Posted by TurningTim
It will drain, thats an inch per foot in fall and should be fine. Although I would run a 1 1/4" drain and 1" return at min. At that length head pressure is gonna be an issue or both runs. How much flow are you shooting for in the main tank?

Thanks for the reply Tim, Im not really concerned about flow in the main as I am in increasing water volume(much larger sump will fit in this room). I also have a mag 1200 hooked to a wavemaker for flow in the main. The reason for this move is the risk for another flood, The room I want to move to there is a drain in the floor that I can also hook a drain to my skimmer so I dont have to attend to it daily...


Active Member
Just out of curiousity why did your tank overflow? There are other ways to insure this won't happen rather then going to this extreme.
Just a thought, your choice though.........
Good Luck

1st timer

Originally Posted by TurningTim
Just out of curiousity why did your tank overflow? There are other ways to insure this won't happen rather then going to this extreme.
Just a thought, your choice though.........
Good Luck
Not sure why/how but it did and the wife somehow turned into a lawnmower and my bottom was the lawn...
... Anyway my only option is to put a sump where there is a drain in the floor and thats 16 feet away in another room. I have an open top and evaporation has me down there twice daily,if I put this sump in that room I could get all the neat toys in there like the RO/DI,auto top off and such and best of all it would be hidden except for two pipes running down the wall. and the added water would be beneficial for the whole system.