Water Flow Question


I have about 40-45 gal tank. I also have an Emporer 400 HOB Filter (which is one of the best filters I have ever seen) This filter is rated at 400 GPH. Does this mean that I don't need any PH's. I just dont want more things on the back of my tank then I need.
Thanks for the input


Active Member
no, you need at least two powerheads, Emperors only move water on the surface of the tank. you need circulation deep in the tank.
For your size tank I would go with 2 SEIO 820's or two Maxi jet 900's.


Ok, Thanks, I will get 2 ph's. I have another question though. Since the input is about 15 in under water doesn't it pull water from the bottom of the tank and move it to the top. Isnt this the best way to circulate a tank because it airates the total tank (Im new and was just curious)...


Yes, eventually you want water to get on top. This is where all the gas exchange occurs.
Without PHs, the water on the sides/corners will be stale. You'll have too much detrius/co2 build-up at those places.
Dont be afraid to go high on the powerheads. I don't believe the emporer 400 can pump 400 gph. The pump may be rated at 400 but when hung 3 inches above water, go through 2 90's elbows, the actual flow through the emporer will be halved.