Water flow questions


I mad up a really bad design of the tank on my paintshop program that I have attached.. I am trying to figure out the best places to put the power heads for more flow. Here is my problem.. The Tank is viewed from 3 sides so I can only put the power heads on the overflow side. I have 4 that I am putting in the tank. I was thinking of drilling the top of the tank and running the discharge lines from the filter to the other end of the tank and having them discharge on the far side and have the powerheads on the other side for flow.. I hope this makes sense. Let me know what you think or if I have just confused everyone.. Here is my 2nd grade Diagram:D


Sorry the pic is so small I could not get it to download in the origonal form. I hope you get the idea from the small pic..


Your idea seems very doable. Connecting some tubing and just discharging out at the other end of the tank. Run the piping through the hood or top edge of the tank to maintain temps.


I have 125 with 3, 1200 powerheads, 2 600's, and 3 400's. Aside from that I have 1200 gph pumping in through three places from the sump. Figure in distance and connections it's really 900 or so true gph. I have one 45 on each side of the tank and one tube running the back wall with 1/4 holes drilled to prvide flow. Yes the fish swim sideways when the get in the high current places. depending on what is where and what needs what is where things are pumping. All plumbing is 3/4" pvc.
It all depends on what you are putting in the tank and where. I have a gorgo and sponge sucking off of a 600 they may blow but they thrive in it. Also keep in mind all tanks seem to have a way of doing thier own thing.

nm reef

Active Member
TomsReef...with your system being viewable from three sides you do have problems with locating powerheads and directing current. I'd suggest developing some type of closed loop circulation system and using seaswirls to return the water. It would be possible to plumb the returns thru-out your display without disrupting your view. I can't offer much in the way of technical advise on how to set the circulation up...but I'd suggest some on-line searchs for "seaswirls"..."closed loop circulation"... etc. I bet if you research and look at different methods of providing circulation you can design a system that'll work for your display.