Water Flow


Ok this is something that I can never find anything on. What is the required water flow in a Saltwater tank. I have a 55 gallon and also have an Quiet One Pumps 4000HH, which at 3 feet it suppose to have a output of 750 GPH.
Is this over kill , the right enough or not enough?


Active Member
for fish only you should be at about 550 gph (10x)
fish only with live rock w/ wo soft corals i would go with 1100 gph (20x)
if you want hard corals like acros i would go with 1650 gph (30x)


Active Member
Yes you use powerheads just to circulate the water inside the tank to up your flow. I have a 72 gallon bow front and I use 500 or gallons per hour through my wet/dry and 2 300 gph ph in my tank as well.


you should calculate GPH after headloss too. Most people say their pump pushes 700GPH but after, 3ft head, you might only have 550GPH.
For instance in my 20L sps i have a Quiet One 2200 on a CL going through a SQWD. Normally this pumps 580GPH but the SQWD cuts it down to 400-450. I also have a Quiet One 3000 as my return which normaly pushes 780, but after head loss its about 550. So i have about 50x turnover.


Ya the 4400HH at zero is 980 and at three feet it is around 750 GPH. I am just trying to figure out how much more I need to add with power heads.
So all I got right now is the pump for my sump. Now I trying to figure out how many power heads extra I need?