water flow

would 400gph be to much flow for a 29 gal tank. i want to get one of those hydor koralia power heads and i don't know weather to get the 240 gph or the 400 gph


Active Member
I have a koralia #1 in my tank plus a magdrive 7 and a maxijet 600 for a total turnover of about 32 times per hour. If you don't have a sump I recommend 2 koralia #1s. You'll love the flow.


Active Member
FISH ONLY TANK= 10X turnover rate
LPS AND SOFTIES REEF TANK= 15X-20X turnover rate
SPS REEF TANK= 30X or better turnover rate
hope that helped some


Active Member
id say any and all tanks should have at least 30x turnover. 10x turnover rate is like a HOB trickle filter, which is not sufficient IMO for any saltwater tank. those arent good guidelines at all IMO.


I currently have 2 hydor koralia 3's on each end of my tank located about 3/4 of the way towards the top blowing down on a slight angle and my main return (1000 gph) skimming the top of my tank to help with oxygenation. I am looking to get more into SPS's and I know they require more flow. I am also looking to purchase a wave maker control all my power heads.
My question is, if I wanted to add more power heads where would I place them?? and would I get more hydor koralia 3's or back the additional heads down to 2's or 1's???? Also, any suggestions on a good wave maker controller??
Thanks.........pics of your current setup would be awsome!!!!!!!!!



Active Member
My 125 LPS/softie tank only has 15x turnover, any higher than that and my LPS start to get a little pushed around and my huge umbrella just retracts and leans to one side.....Flow is very depedent on the actual corals in the tank, IMO it's very subjective, whats the actual flow pattern? I'd rather have smaller, very random flows vs really strong flow thats focused in one area.
I would actually have to agree that the prior post is a good starting point and those flow rates should work fine, again, it really depends on the actual corals and the design of the flow pattern...Maybe a little higher for FOWLR tanks...
I have an aqua 110 filter on it now that i turned into a fuge and it is 500 gph. and i have 1 powerhead in there that is pretty high i can't remember what the gph is on it but i have the nosal shooting towards the back cause it blows sand allover. i want to get those hydor koralia cause i like the way they look and how the flow comes out. with the filter i have should i get 2 of the # 1's or 1 of the #2 or 3


Active Member
2 #1's. it sounds like a lot of flow but it's so gentle and will eliminate dead spots where detritus collects.

tx reef

Active Member
I have approx. 140x turnover in my 54 gallon bare bottom. (2 Seio 2600s & 2 Koralia 4s).
Minimum for an sps tank should be around 60x turnover, in my opinion. Of course, it all depends on powerhead positioning.....