Water Flow


What does my mater flow need to be like for coral and anemone. It is a 75 gallon tank. Right now the water flow is 400 from my emperor 400 filter plus whatever my CPR Aero Force protein skimmer puts out. What else do i need to get a higher water flow.


Originally Posted by mnieder
What does my mater flow need to be like for coral and anemone. It is a 75 gallon tank. Right now the water flow is 400 from my emperor 400 filter plus whatever my CPR Aero Force protein skimmer puts out. What else do i need to get a higher water flow.
It is very dependent on what type of coral or anemone you're talking about. For example, fox coral don't like my flow at all, while my torch demands it.
The best is to try and have a high, medium, and low flow section of your tank. Depending on how you set up the pump and power heads, it's fairly easy to achieve this. It's a little bit of trial and error to find the perfect flow. Everyone's is a little different.


Originally Posted by mnieder
ok so i should get a power head and put it on one side. What size powerhead do you recommend.
yes, that's what I would do. I think you'd do well with your current pump and a Koralia 3. If you feel like you need more flow than you can always add a smaller powerhead, like the Koralia 1 or 2. I would not put 2 Koralia 3's though.


Saltwater tanks need to be turned over at least 10-15 times per hour. If you are going to have a reef type setup, then you will want at least 15 times per hour or gph. So if your tank is 75 gallons then all your circulation in the tank should add up to at least 1125gph (75 x 15). Couple of Koralias would give you this no problem.
Be careful with those hang on the back filters. They are nitrate factories and are freshwater technology. Not really made for saltwater. You can always upgrade later to a sump or a refugium though.