Water Flow


After reading many threads on this board I see that water flow is extremely important, and it seems as though you cannot have too much of it.
The only equip. producing any kind of flow now in my tank is my Maxi-Jet 1200 pump (295 gph) which is used as the intake for my HOT AquaC skimmer, and the output spray bar of my Eheim Canister Wet/Dry (280 gph).
Should I purchase another Maxi-Jet to put at the opposite side of the tank to just pump water in and out of itself, or is this not the purpose?


Active Member
In a 55 gallon tank I would add at least 2 more powerheads. The maxjet 1200's are a good choice. You don't really want any dead spots in the tank.


Well considering the Maxi-Jet hooked up to the skimmer does 295 gph and my Eheim does 280 gph than I am over the minimum of 550, is this correct? And was I correct in stating that the pump would just go into the tank to intake and output water, meaning I would just put the pump itself at the other end of the tank? That would give me 870 gph total if I added one more Maxi-Jet 1200 pump.


Active Member
You are correct - it would just move water - not filtration or anything else.
The key is to avoid having dead spots in the water. You want to make sure the water is constantly moving! IF there are dead spots then you have areas where detritus can build up and thus cause spikes in nitrogen, algea blooms, and other nastiness!!


Ok I understand.. From the pic I have attached you can see that all of my flow is concentrated on the right side of the tank now. The Maxi-Jet 1200 is in the black Pre Filter box for the skimmer, and you can see the Eheim intake (green) and spray bar (also green, at right side of tank near water level). Will probably pick up another pump and put it on the left side within the week.
Thanks so much for your help!


I believe the movement of water over the DSB will aid in "filtration" in the sense that it aids the sand bed in the reduction of nitrates.


Just to jump on the coat-tails of this question, when additional power heads are added, does it matter what direction they face? If I have two power heads on opposite sides of the tank, should they flow towards each other or away or does it not make any difference?


Active Member
I see that you have an anemone in the tank. Be sure to get a prefilter on the powerhead to avoid the anemone getting sucked into the powerhead.


The pump comes with a plastic piece to put on the intake that is like a grate that would block the anenome from getting in it. If it got close enough though it could get one of it's tentacles in the slits.. Where would I get a prefilter like you are talking about? Maybe if I saw a pic I would better understand.


Active Member
a pre filter is like the sponge on your green in take - if you use the plastic grid you will get it stuck in the powerhead. DO a search for anemone and powerhead ....
As for water direction - I believe (personal opinion) you need to make it so it is oppossing and not one big loop. So in bergshawn's case I'd put it on the other end of the tank (maybe two). Ideally have a wave maker or a scwd that would alternate the current ....