water has yellow hue to it


ok, i checked my levels for my 75 gal; they are as follows. ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5, ph 8.2. salt level 1.026. i have a wet/dry filter a protein skimmer. Liverock is - 60#. i have 2 perculise clown fish, 1 hippo tang (yes i know it's an ich mag), 1 cleanter shrimp, 1 damsel one that i have had since i started the tank. a clean of crew of 10-15 snails, 3 emerald crabs, 5 scarlet hermit crabs and 5 blue hermit crabs. i have some algea growning that my snails eat. yada yada. my problem is that my water is this sligh funky yellowish colour, i do water changes every other week. what can i do to fix it?? and what is causing it?? someone help


no driftwood, it's just as ls, lr, sand, algea, which i understand eats nitrates... the water smells like the ocean it dosn't have a funky nasty smell of anthing so i dunno....


Take some of the water out of your tank in a clear container.
Does it still look yellow? If not it may be the spectrum of your lights.
If so, as was mentioned you may want to try some carbon in your sump.


Active Member
I was just going to say it could be your lights or your water. If you have water like some areas that we have here in Canada called "VID" water it is yellow and nasty stuff. But if this is only if you are using tap water which I hope you are not.
What kind of lights do you have?


Active Member
Good ideas mentioned, do you own a canister filter? Activated carbon as canister filter media works good also.