Water Is Coudly And Dont Know Why, Please Help!!!


New Member
My water is pretty cloudy and I dont know why. My nitrates were high and I talked to my lfs and they told me to rinse my foam filter in my fluval 304, so I did that and put new carbon in it as well. I also have biomax in there but i did nothing to it, just put it back in. My nitrates go a little better, but since then my water has been pretty cloudy. It has been about 4 days and the water has not got any better. I was hoping some one could help me out. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


Active Member
I'm not sure if your tank is new or not, but if it is or if you have recently made any changes to it (like major water changes) then chances are you have just regular dust clouding your water. The dust particles are extremely fine and are semi-boyant. They won't settle quickly on their own and can take some time to disappear.
What happens is, this dust is too light to settle in the tank and too fine to be removed by the filter. After a week or so, protiens and biologic waste will start "sticking" to the dust. At this point it will start to clump up (microscopically) and then settle. Then your water will clear. Give it some time. It takes awhile sometimes; maybe up to a couple of weeks.
Just to make sure... always rinse out any carbon or other materials before you add them to the tank. This includes any new filters.


Active Member

Originally posted by mbailey26
I talked to my lfs and they told me to rinse my foam filter in my fluval 304...

This has me curious. What did you do? Did you rinse out an old filter back into your tank? I'm a little confused by this statement.:notsure:
[edit] nevermind... I understand now. Actually that was good advice. If you have a buildup of debris in your foam filter, when it breaks down in the filter, it could cause high nitrate levels.
It's most likely that the haze came from the carbon or from something that was in your filter that was stirred when you removed the foam. Like I said, give it awhile longer to settle.