water level for softies !!!!


Active Member
ok so im cosidering beging a reef.....my tank is starting to mature a bit and its doing pretty well...im just planning on keeping softies so what should my water levels be to keep these....i only test
amm which is zero
trite which is zero
and trate ehich is around 30
thanks for any help


Active Member
You should test Calcium: 350-450, alkalinity: 9-12 dKh, and pH: 8.0-8.4. I would try to get you trate down to around 20 or less too.
Also, you're testing for salinity too aren't you? That should be 1.025-1.026.


Active Member
softies r pretty easy. ur level shouldnt be a problem. i hv seen them thrive in worst condition.


Softies are pretty easy and you should have no problem. But your trates are kind of high. I think trates should be close to 0 as possible. Strive for 10 or less that way when you decided to get some LPS or SPS (which trust me you will) your chemistry is right. Strive to keep your calcium 380-450 with an alk of 3.5 to 4.0. Just suggestion but I believe those water conditions can keep anything provided the light and flow.