Water level in o/f box?


Tank is full of water and running tonight.
A couple more questions.
How high should the water level be in the overflow box? Right now my mag 18 is running full open and the overflow box water level is only a couple inches above the drain baffles. both the sump and the refugium levels are where I want them. The long water drop into the overflow box is very noisy.



Please ignore the electrical hazard. that will be hung correctly.
water is cloudy because I added about 30 gallons of water for the sump and fuge.
Any suggestions on anything you see would be great.


By the way. Thats the wife in the back of the photo holding her chest and gasping for air after finding out how much I spent on the lights.


New Member
cant you just increase the water level in the overflow box by adding to it, therefore not giving the water such a far way to fall?


Active Member
seems like if you added a couple of 90 elbows with about 10 inch long pipes extended up ward then the water level would be higher in the overflow box and not have the noisy splashing issue anymore. I would also slip a sponge over the ends of the pipes for a prefilter and it would help the noise problem too.....just my .02
have a good night ...off to bed I go


Active Member
most drains come through the bottom with a stand pipe that extends up in to the overflow higher, thats the reason I thought maybe a couple more pieces of pvc would help ya


Maybe ball valves on the drain lines to slow the flow? Looks like you may already have them? FWIW, I was told to not use 90's on supply lines. Using 2 45's instead helps the flow rate. Also, check to make sure your return pump isn't sucking in air bubbles.


Active Member
you should be able to install stand pipes on those drains. I dont think these guys sell anything so hopefully the mods wont mind this link.
*good link for info to bad it has advertisments on it*


Active Member
Originally Posted by joncat24
seems like if you added a couple of 90 elbows with about 10 inch long pipes extended up ward then the water level would be higher in the overflow box and not have the noisy splashing issue anymore. I would also slip a sponge over the ends of the pipes for a prefilter and it would help the noise problem too.....just my .02
have a good night ...off to bed I go

Thats what I would do as well. Extend those pipes up towards the top. Your water should not be dropping 12" of course it will make alot of noise.


Thanks for the help. Used a variation of the stockman silencer. Its the Hofer Gurgle Buster. :notsure:
Works great.
Skimmer is working, water levels in dt/fuge/sump are steady.
Now its sit and watch.