Water level


I am wondering how high is people's tank level in their tank if you have use an overflow box in your display tank? Is your water level about level with the teeth of your overflow box, or can you get it to go higher than that? If so, how do you accomplish this?
The reason I am wondering is I just got a custom made canopy for my tank and the water line is just below the canopy bottom (1/4 of an inch). Just enough to see the rippling of the water. How common is this? Sorry for all of the questions, but the guy that built it is comoing back tonight and I need to figure out what I need to do about the canopy.

mandarin w

I don't used an over flow box, so I can't give you any help. But this message will get your question bumped back up to the top, so maybe it doesn't get over looked.
Good luck finding an answer.


Active Member
If its a HOT box then some have an adjustment that you can raise the inside box up. If you cant do that then shim the whole thing up with something were it sits on the tank frame...


The overflow box is built into the back of the tank with holes coming out the back off the tank, so I can not move it.


Active Member
If you have enough room above the water line without overflowing the tank then you need to restrick some of the flow thru the teeth. If you can not raise the overflow/teeth then try to weave something in the lower part of the teeth so the water has to rise higher befor flowing over them...May just have to make and add a skirt to the canopy to cover the gap....


I think I am missing something. WHY would you want the water level higher and closer to your canopy?


Active Member
Im replying with in mind that the water line is visable from the front of the tank....A glass tank normally has a plastic trim that comes down and covers the line...Coach may have an acrylic tank with out a trim and his canopy does not have a trim that comes down far enough to cover it either...Hes not giving many details...I dont like the water line being seen myself and I have a glass tank that the trim covers it so Im good.


I understood your reply, dogstar, and realize why you gave your advise. I am with you in that my top frame is an inch high and covers the water level. I have a built-in overflow and my water level is 1/2" from the top of the tank.
If the question was purely for aesthetics, it would be WAY easier and more beneficial to just mask off the top of the tank to hide the water line. Higher is never better unless there is a specific reason for it- and I can't think of any.


I have a glass tank and the water level is an inch below the plastic trim. I was mainly wondering if this is how it was suppose to be if you had an overflow in their tank.This is my first tank with on in it. The water level seemed a little low to me. But maybe it is suppose to be that way. I think that they put the overflow box a little too low when they installed it. The tank is an oceanic. I do not know if the overflow box was put in at the factory or by someone later, I bought it used. I guess that I will try to lower my conapy to cover the water line. Thanks for your input.


Active Member
Useing a bigger or another return pump will raise the water line more if your drains and sump can handle more...IMO, an inside OFB should keep the water line above the frame. I have AGA 150g with 2 inside OFB and the water line stays around 3/4 inch above the trim bottom with 1600gph flow.