Water Levels for coralline


I just tested the water in my tank for pH, CA and KH.
pH - 8.1
ca - 470
kh - 7.7
Are these levels good to get my coralline to grow? I feel likes it's not really growing at all. Do I need to add anything or will water changes help me along.
I do 15 gallons once a month on my 45. The next change is due next sunday.

bang guy

Your kH is low but it's not terrible.
How long has the tank been up? Hhow long have you been trying to grow coralline? How much waterflow in the tank?


I got the tank a month ago. The tank had been setup for over a year. I bought it from a friend of mine.
Since I've bought it, I've add 30 lbs of LR at different intervals. I got it with about 30. There wasn't much of a coralline growing when he handed it over to me. But there was a good red slime growing. Since I've had it, the slime is almost completely gone. A couple of the rocks I bought had a good coralline on them but doesn't seem to be as good as when I bought them. So I was wondering what I could do to help it along and grow over my other rocks.
The LFS store asked if I was adding calcium to the tank and I told them no, not as of right now. I wanted to buy a CA and KH tester before adding anything to the tank. Now that I've tested it, the levels are almost in line.
My waterflow is moderate.
I have a 45 Gallon tank. I have a 6700K PC day light, blue PC light (just changed it out, both are 55W, 24 inches) and an incondecent light. I believe that's what it is called. Do you think I need better lighting? I was thinking of maybe going with the 10000K PC day light when the time comes to change it.
I had a couple of rocks with a great coralline on them...but it seems to be fading. :(


I read up on the cyanobacteria the other day. I read about changing out the bulbs and not over feeding the tank. I do have a phosphate tester too. Friend gave me that when he sold me the tank. He thought he might have had a problem with it but ended up being wrong.
I can tell a huge difference from changing out the blue pc bulb in how crappy the old one was. Almost makes we want to change out the day light PC as well.
That's what is happening now. It's turning bleach white. Kind of made me think it was dying. But part of it was looking a bright purple again this morning.


I'll have to check when I get home but I'm pretty sure more blue. The old one was a dim purplish color.