Water Levels


New Member
Answers to those questions (thank you for getting back to me):
1) I have only rinsed the filter once, and I did that because after the tank just got started (when I put the substrate in), the water had a bunch of floating material for a couple of days, and I could see that it was necessary (or at least I thought). This was about 4 weeks ago. When I rinsed the filter, I used running tap water (didn't know any different). So, when you are suggesting to use tank water to rinse it, I'm assuming you mean siphon some water from the tank, and rinse it that way......during a water change?...or put that water back in the tank (remember, I am being told NOT to do water changes at this time)?
2) I'm not familiar with powerheads, so I'm quite sure I don't have any in my tank (or on my tank? What are they, and is it something that I need?)
Well, there is no green algae to speak of, just this rust colored algae, so for now, I won't clean any of the rocks or decorations, to leave the algae. It sounds as though when I get the protein skimmer (due to arrive this week, I believe), that this will help things along, to remove the nitrates.
I'm very glad you got back to me now, because I was second guessing whether or not I needed to do a water change, so I'll stay away from doing so, and just continue topping off with Distilled salt water. What are your thoughts about a bottom filter? I don't have one, and was told that they were not necessary.
Thank you for letting me know what my next step is.


When you add top off water, you only add water NO salt. The water has evaporated not the salt. If you keep adding salt to the top off water your salanity is going to be way to high!