Water Levels


Over the week-end I set up my new 125 gallon tank. I put live sand in it from an existing tank. What I need to know is what kind of water levels am I looking for as far as ammonia, nitrate etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanx.

mr . salty

Active Member
I would have waited till after the cycle to add live sand.The ammonia, and nitrites will reach toxic levels and kill it.During the cycle the ammonia will be the first to go up.Usually about .50.Then the nitrites will follow,then finally the nitrates will come up and cancel out the nitrites.When it's done,usually about 5-10weeks,all the levels will zero out. Then it's done. STEVE


I was told that adding live sand would infact help my cycle as it already has the bacteria build up. Isn't that what the cycle is all about?

mr . salty

Active Member
True,but my point is that live sand is very expensive. And the cycle will produce ammonia,and nitrite levels that will most likly kill off all the stuff that makes it"live". Acouple of pounds of live rock@ say $8.00 a pound,Or a couple of chromis @ $5.00 each would have been a cheeper,and evry bit as effective way to do it. STEVE


Active Member
If your sand was put in from an established tank and you use cured live rock you wont have a cycle and if you do it will be very small. The only time you will get a cycle from adding live sand is if it is shipped or has to travel far betwwen tanks.


Well I put it in my tank straight from another tank. I kept it moist and it was about 3-4 hours until itwas in my tank. My ph was8.2 and ammo was 0 did not check the trates or trites. Willdo that today. I have a damsel in there and it is fine. Eating and swimming. Will keep you all posted on the progress.