Water looks wierd


I have just set up my tank a week ago, all that is in it is sand and saltwater and two little shrimpys (cocktail shrimp). I finally got my light today, and I noticed that there appears to be like a film on the water surface, I have plenty of circ.. Also depeding on how you look but you can see like a cloudiness in the water. If anybody is wondering i used red sea salt. Also my overflow box's pre filter is getting a brownish tint to it already. I am assuming that could be left over dirt from possibly the sand. Am I being to worried or is there junk in my water.


This film is normal, feel the inside of your aquarium and you will feel it to, its building up its first stage bacteria. The brown that you are seeing might be your first diatiom blooms. If you do not have anything living in the tank then I would leave the lights off for the first couple of weeks other than to look at it once in a while. You could run some carbon now just to keep the water clean if you like. The diatiom bloom is normal too, It is likely that it will look like your tank is rusting from the inside, perfectly normal.
The film might also be from the sand, oil from your hands, any die off from live rock.


Thanks I had a feeling that I was being to worried. As we all know it is expensive and I have spent many many many hours researching I just want it all to pay off.