Water Movement???


How much water movement do i need in my 75gal SWA? I was thinking about 2 160gph power heads and the back flow from a power filter. Is this enough to get my reef started?



Originally posted by eskimo44
How much water movement do i need in my 75gal SWA? I was thinking about 2 160gph power heads and the back flow from a power filter. Is this enough to get my reef started?

With that size tank I would use 3 or 4 Powerheads. I believe the rule of thumb for turnover is 20X Gallons/Hour



Originally posted by eskimo44
OK, i decided to upgrade to 2 295gph. Any consequences due to lack of water movement?

You can get Algea and Cyanobacteria problems with not enough flow, but both involve other factors like high Phosphates and Nitrates etc....


i have a 55 gal ... with 2 seio m620, a fluval 304 and hot magnum 250... the seio runs at the time and create enough flow all over the tank ... i can see currents in all 4 corners of the tank
i have a total of 1700gph ...
the nice thing about the seio, it's not a harsh stream ... really gentle and spread out ... definitely happy with this ... and only $70 for both...

big boy69

You need to turn your tank over 10 times an hour to determine what power heads you need.
For ex. if you have a 75g tank, you need to move 750 GPH
From what i was told.

michelle l

I have a 125 gallon, and in one corner I have one 800 GPH powerhead for circulation, in the other corner I have a 500 GPH powerhead for circulation, a Emperor 400 power filter that turns over 400 GPH for some mechanical filtration, and in my wet/dry filter underneath the tank I have an 800 GPH powerhead to return water to the tank. Am I OK on water circulation?