water movement

pooh tang

New Member
Hello. I have a 40-g FOWLR with a RIO 1100 powerhead. My filter (Fluval 304) also puts out a little water movement. Is this adequate or do I need to add another powerhead???


The more water movement the better oxygen exchange in the water. Keeps unwanted algae away. I would add at least one more.

pooh tang

New Member
Thanks for the reply. I am thinking of adding a Rio 800. That would give me about 511 gph. Good?? More???


Rio pumps are not very liked from the people on this board. Not very reliable. Maxi-jets are the better choice by most on this board including myself. It is your tank and your decision. Just my .02


New Member
i once read an article that said, "once you think that you have enough water movement, double it." I don't how true this is but i'm pretty sure the more the merrier. I currently have a 46 bow FOWLR with two 1140 peguin p/h's, 1 in each corner pushing about 300 gph and then 2 mini p/h's in the middle pushing 150 each. i figured this was enough for me.

pooh tang

New Member
I might try a maxi-jet this time around. My Rio 1100 sounds like a freight train at night. Way too loud. Thanks for all the input.


Isn't the general rule of thumb like 15-20x your size tank in GPH. so a 20 gallon tank would do well with like 400gph of churn?


Active Member
I run 2 174gph and one 125 and one 270 and my magnum return which is 200gph so I turn over about 943gph without counting my skimming which is 295 Gph which means I turn over 23x my volume of water


This may be a dumb question, but is there a desirable amount of bubbles the powerhead should or should not create???
Sometimes between my protein skimmer and my powerheads I get a tankfull of small bubbles.
Other times the water is very clear and few bubbles.
This hobby is very enjoyable - except for flushing the $$$ when fish don't live. I am jealous of the pictures I've seen. Great work
guys - gives us slow learner something to strive for.