Water movement ?


New Member
I have a question about levels of water movement when searching for sps. I have read that 10x the volume of the tank is ideal. Would this be in the medium range of suggested movement? Same goes for lighting, actually. Does anyone have a Low, Med, High range laid out for movement and lighting?;)


Active Member
Generaliztions often don't work very well but noted SPS expert Dana Riddle says that when you think that you have enough flow, double it!! 10x to 20x your tanks volume (flowing indirectly on the corals) is usually the measurment of reasonable flow for SPS. Hi flow is extremely important to sps for 2 main reasons - Food transport and oxygen exchange. A lot of times you will see people with sps corals that are dying from the bottom up. This usually due to it choking from lack of oxygen caused by poor flow and can be corrected. Also, the more water moving by the coral itself, the more food it can capture!!!
As far as lighting, IMO metal halide is a necessity! How much lighting depends on the lay out of the tank. The key is to get a reasonably high PAR (Photosynthetic Available Radiation) value out of your lighting from the top to bottom of the tank (the amount of intense light that penetrates through the water). Metal Halide lighting provides the highest PAR value! This is why people that use VHO & PC lighting have to put their SPS up really high in the tank because they loose intensity the farther they travel through the water. To answer your question, if you had 2 tanks that are 55 gallons but shaped differently, you will need more lighting for the deeper tank than a shallow one! I hope that helps!


New Member
Thanks very much for your informative response. I greatly appreciate it. I have a 25g with (2)Penguin 550 powerheads (145gph) and currently running the Coralife 2x65w PC lighting system. Sounds like I might need more lighting for SPS?:D


Active Member
SPS corals require some of the best water conditions also! There are a few folks on the board that keep SPS corals in their NANO tanks under PC or VHO. I really don't recommend it unless you really do your homework and you have a way to keep your water conditions stable like a sizable refugium. I don't want to scare you - I am just trying to save you some grief and money unless you have really done your research!!:)


New Member
Thanks again...I am leaning towards my second choice of softies and polyps. I started the tank in Oct with LS an LR and have forced myself to take my time. Good thing! It is really starting to look good and the h2o chemistry is right where I want it. I have a little cyno bacteria problem but will wait it out with water changes and a phosphate sponge. I do use RO water which I purchased for my 80g live aquaria tank (freshwater). My next tank will be a SPS. Thanks again!:)


Active Member
the turnover rate is designed to be considered when using a sump mainly/or filtration method of some sort...ie canister, HOT, etc...if you have ph's in the tank, and even using your return line, you wont have the same amount of actual current in the tank in all areas....this depends mainly on lr placement, etc!
good luck