water movement?


New Member
hello all,
i set my 55 up this weekend with 60 pounds of fiji. i have two power heads( 190 gph each) bak pak 2r skimmer and a whisper 60 for mechanical. is this sufficent water movement? how long should the cycle tank? it is cured rock.


I hope your tank is going well. From what I have read here on the board a good rule of thumb is to have at least 10 times the tank size in water turnover. So with a 55 gallon tank you want around 550 gallons, this is the way I took the information. As far as the cycling process goes it will be a while. I don't know all the specifics so I would suggest you do a search on cycling to figure out what needs to be where.HTH


New Member
ok, i have 190 x2 = 180 powerheads
330 whisperer
total = 510
oh oh looks like im short, maybe i should another pwerhead


It is just a rule of thumb. Everybody differs. Didn't you say you have a skimmer? If so isn't that moving water?