water odor!


Active Member
Hummm? My tanks water has a faint bad odor to it?
All reading are fine and everything looks alright?
The only thing that I have done in the last week is add a small cleanup crew(a few hermits and snails) and some caulpra to my refugium.
Is this smell a warning sigh of some kind?
BTW The odor is like a anemone smells when it dies.


Double check your test scores with the LFS.
Run carbon for at least 48 hours.
Pay attention to smell and water color and see if the carbon helps with both.


Active Member
Well my closest LFS is 100 miles away..aaaarrrrrggg
I do not test for calcium or phosphates.
I did add some carbon this morning. Not much though.
The calpera I added does not look as good now as when i added it? hummm?


Active Member
OH ,,,,I just remembered.. My wife(who received the order) said she smelled the odor from the bag the calpera was stored in? I opened the bag(of C) before placing it in and it smelled ok?


Active Member
I think you found your problem.
I can't believe that plants actually did something bad. Don't tell BeaslBob; he'll have a stroke!!:D I doubt that this little bit of bad news will daunt his evangelism.

bang guy

I doubt it was the Caulerpa. Perhaps a snail croaked or a rock was accidently moved. The odor you're smelling is Hydrogen sulfide. Our noses are sensitive enough to detect parts per billion. So, if you're still standing after takin a big whiff then there's not enough to cause real trouble.
The odor should subside in a couple days.


Active Member
Sometimes even if you think you know the answer, hearing it from someone else really helps out, ;)


if your caulerpa is a light green with very small dark green lines going through it. it died .get it out of there!!!!.I have had problems with that type of algae before.:yes: :yes: :scared: