water parameters for coral


What does everybody recommend for the ph and salinity of a tank with leather corals, anemones, and a few fish? The reason I am asking is both of my leather corals were fine the first week I had them now neither of them will open back up. The fish, shrimp, snails, and anemone is fine. The parameters are ammonia = 0, nitrite = 0, nitrate (barely detectable), salinity = 1.023 and ph = 8. I though the ph was kinda low so I bought a ph buffer. I also tested for copper and found none. Will ph affect coral to the point where they won't open up?


I think the PH would be better at 8.2. The salinity is decent at 1.023 but you may want to raise it to 1.024. What temperature is the tank?


I have tried moving the coral around in the tank. The mushroom coral has been closed for almost a week now and the finger coral seems to open up a little less each day. I have never tested the alkalinity of the water so maybe I will try that. Thanks for all the suggestions.


Leather corals will close to expel waste. Usually it is only for a few days, but may be longer. My gold crown closed for over a week once and when it reopened it was larger. Unless something in the parameters of the water has changed and the coral appears stressed, let it run its course.
Look at the corals closely and see if you see a small film that appears to be peeling away.


I did notice a film on both of the corals but I am starting to get worried about the mushroom coral. It appears that it is even growing green algae on the top of the mushroom but it is definately not dead. I will wait it out and see what happens.


might want to let some current run over them for a couple days. they should be blown off from time to time anyway. jmo.