water parameters


hi all, have a fish with live rock system right now and wat to start adding some xenia, organ, and sun corals. here are my water parameters:
1)PH 8.2
2)WATER TEMP 80 degrees
5)ALK 4.5 MEQ/L
most tests done with hagen kit
Am i ready for corals? if not what parameter should i work on?
Xenia and the Sun coral would be good, you know u have to feed the sun corals. but the organ, do you mean an organ pipe coral (Tubipora musica) if so i would recomend against it, they prefer high light and high flow, MH best or nice 6-8 bulb t5's


Active Member
Phosphates {PO4}must be 0, you should work on this first. You need to figure out what is causing this and address it.
Some factors that could contribute to high PO4:
Overfeeding or feeding the wrong things
Inadequate cleanup crew
Inefficient protein skimmer
Not enough flow
Using tapwater or RO/DI water made with filters that are due to be changed
Bump your Ca into the 430-450 range, which should drop the Alk down to 4.00 Meq/L or thereabouts. You need to test for Mg{magnesium}. I would recommend some better test kits for these values such as Salifert.


=ok, will get the salifert, do they make a master kit?
=my lighting is 6 x 96 pc, is this not good enough for the organ pipes?
=phosphates r DEF due to tap water still need to get the rodi system. i dont know why they rnt higher to be honest, the tap water tested off the charts for po4
=will bump up my calcium. what is the best way to do this, should i dose my calcium part pf b ionic a lil more ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jazzyz
=ok, will get the salifert, do they make a master kit?
=my lighting is 6 x 96 pc, is this not good enough for the organ pipes?
=phosphates r DEF due to tap water still need to get the rodi system. i dont know why they rnt higher to be honest, the tap water tested off the charts for po4
=will bump up my calcium. what is the best way to do this, should i dose my calcium part pf b ionic a lil more ?
No..master test kits are garbage. These are titration kits, pricier but worth it for the important values such as Ca, Alk, MG, and PO4. Yes, just use the CA part of your B-Ionic, do so carefully... then test. Pipe organ coral is touchy & likes high lighting..I would'nt recommend it for a first coral.
Mushrooms, zoanthids, leathers...some good starters. Sun corals, although they are gorgeous and do not require alot of light...must be fed. Each polyp requiring food. This may be taxing on a fairly new system, especially one that is presently battling PO4 issues.


Active Member
i agree, you need to get your phosphates down and then you'll be ready. i'd also use the test kits you have now and upgrade later. salifert tests are the best but really IMO aren't needed until you have more corals or sps. mushrooms and zoos....softies i wouldn't worry to much....the test kits you have are fine....upgrade later when you run out of what you have.
by the way, this site has the lowest salifert prices on the net. i can't find them cheaper.


Active Member
Another thing about PO4..when present it makes it nearly impossible for corals and inverts for that matter to uptake CA.


Active Member
Ferric Oxide, care must be taken as to how much is used. There is debate however of them damaging sps corals. I use Pura pads and have a refugium with chaetomorpha. Feed carefully, and stock carefully.