Water Parameters


I just had my water tested earlier today, here's what I've got:
pH 8.2
SG .027
Ammonia ~0
Nitrate 5
Nitrite 0.25-0.50
I know that my SG and Nitrites are high, what can I do to lower them both (the SG to about .024 or .025 and the Nitrite to 0)?
Thanks for the help!
Is this a new tank?,when the cycle is done all levels
will fall into place,just remeber it is all about patience.
As far as lowering your SG just take some of your water
out and replace in with just plane water!


Yeah, this is a pretty new tank - I first added LR a little more than a week ago, and added more yesterday. I know that the swinging arm hydrometers aren't great, but I've had two separate LFS tell me that they are the most accurate ones on the market (SeaTest Hydrometer, I believe it is). Anyways, sounds good with just letting things take place as they need to. I'm glad to not hear that I need to dump bottles of $10 chemicals into my tank to even it out. I am really enjoying doing all this naturally - pretty amazing to watch it all.
Thanks for the help, guys!