water problem any help


my nitrate is 20 ppm and my ammonia is .50 ppm and nitrite is at 0. i have 55 gallon tank mith a wet dry and sea cone in sump protien and 9 watt uv light. I change 10 gallons a week of new water and noting realy dies but I lost a snail today and i was just wondering how bad my water is and what do i do to change the water quallity


how long has your tank been running? your ammonia should be 0 along with nitrites at 0. nitrates should be a little lower. if you do a 20% water change every week than your nitrates shouldn't be that high unless you have way to big of a bioload. what is you stocklist?


My tank has been up for 2 years. Should I start to do 15 gallons a week.
Flame Angel
Orange Shoulder Tang
Maroon Clown
2 Rabbit fish
Coral Beauty
Bicolor Dotty back
Toadstool Leather
Sun Coral
Anchor Coral
Branching Flower Pot
Flower Pot
2 Mushroom rocks
Pipe Coral


how much light do you have? i'm guessing the 9 watt was a typo. you might be a bit overstocked, and some would say that you shouldn't have any tang in a 55 gallon.


coral beauty, two corals and two snails died but i think its because my water is to hot. its is this new heater it does not hold the temprature very well. I aslo have been ading more phyto max to help the corals grow but last night i accidently spilled alot in to my tank about the a hole squeez of the eye dropper went in. . thank s for trying to help.