water problem


can somebody tell me why just the top of my water turns green sometimes. i have had my water checked and everything is fine with it, but every now and then the top gets a coat of green, why?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by pagano24
can somebody tell me why just the top of my water turns green sometimes. i have had my water checked and everything is fine with it, but every now and then the top gets a coat of green, why?

What are you using to agitate the surface of the water? It sounds like algae is forming over the surface. Still water becomes stagnant water and it forms a film of algae.


i dont use anything to move the top of the water. should i point one of my powerheads up there or my jebo filter bar


Anything that will move the top of the water...In 2 of my tanks I have a flow bar that pushes the water...in my 29g I have a powerhead moving it