Water quality and SG


I'm cycling my tank. I had put "Real Ocean" water in the tank to start it. I put coral sand in the tank. I then added live rock to the tank. To do that, I had to remove some water. I took the water from the tank and put it back in the real ocean water bag. Can I still use this water again? Did something in the cycling process change the water that would be harmful if I added it back to the tank in the future?
I also found out that I have to feed my live rock. If I have to do that, how much harder is it to add the right light and have coral and everything?


Active Member
you put real ocean water in your tank!? Thats a bad start ocean water has pollutants in it and can be deadly, or is this REAL OCEAN water a brand name?


Originally Posted by gkotlin
I'm cycling my tank. I had put "Real Ocean" water in the tank to start it. I put coral sand in the tank. I then added live rock to the tank. To do that, I had to remove some water. I took the water from the tank and put it back in the real ocean water bag. Can I still use this water again? Did something in the cycling process change the water that would be harmful if I added it back to the tank in the future?
I also found out that I have to feed my live rock. If I have to do that, how much harder is it to add the right light and have coral and everything?

feeding ur live rock? u dont need to feed it, and i would not use real water from the ocean.


I used the real ocean water from the store. The imported real water since I live about 1000 miles inland. I bought live rock and was told that I have to add powdered reef food for the "stuff" living on the rocks to sustain life. Perhaps thats not the case? I was told to test for calcium and use aquarium reef treatments to keep all the "tube" things and other items living on the rocks alive. Sorry I don't have more of the "stuff" terminology down yet.


I went and got the packages and Spectra vital is what I was told to add to the water. I have a nano tank and i'm still cycling before I get fish. I've got the coral bottom and live rock. They said the the Spectra vital and a reef stater kit with Iodine, Strontium / Molybdenum and liquid calcium keeps the "life" on the rock thriving......??