Water quality for polyps?


I am thinking of adding some mushrooms or polyps to my tank. I have a 55gal. FOWLR. I have heard that they do not need perfect water conditions to thrive. I have even heard that they can help the water conditions. I am currently struggling with my nitrates (30ppm). My other conditions a good but I was wondering if the nitrates will harm the polyps or mushrooms. Any help would be great. Thank you.


If you tried anything I would go with mushrooms. THE most forgiving coral you can buy. I would also work on getting your nitrates down because once you buy the mushrooms you are going to want different and more difficult coral to keep.


Will the mushrooms act as the live rock does and help with the water quality? I am trying to get the nitrates down but I am having a hard time with it.


Not 100% sure but no. Typically my corals react negatively to poor water conditions like nitrates. A dsb or refugium is what you are looking for. Certain types of algae help reduce nitrates and a lot of people use a refugium and dsb to accomplish this. I don't have a refugium but do have a dsb.


Active Member
Polyps as well as manysoft corals thrive in less than perfect water- in fact in tanks with highly efficient skimmers, soft corals do not do quite as well, tanks with modest skimming or no skimmer in coordanance with regular changes do very well- the reason being is b/c soft corals pull nutrients from the water- the same nutrients that read as nitrates, however i would get the nitrates down a little simply by doing a series of water changes- but as far as them making water better- it is not an adequate source of filteration:)