Water quality questions


New Member
I have a 55gal. , 25lbs. LR, that has been set up for 1 year. 1 yellow tail damsel, 1 false perc, brittle star, banded coral shrimp, 1 snail,1 hermit. CC and dolomite, wet/dry filter w/bioballs:both recommended by LFS guy who has masters degree in marine biology!?
With Tetratest kit: amm=0, trites=0, trates approx. 15 (somewhere btw. 12.5 and 25 are the choices), ph=7.8 or 7.9,KH=6. The ph of my freshly mixed saltwater is 8 and KH=11. Nitrates of tapwater are more than 0 definately, but less than12.5. When I tested for nitrates in the tapwater 3 mos. ago, they were 0.
I change 10% of water every 10 days.
When I get anRo/DI unit, will it help the ph? Should I use the Seachem reef advantage Ca the LFS recommended after testing my ph? Why is the KH lower in the tank than in freshly mixed saltwater?


no, RO doesnt change the PH. neither DI. the only difference RO/DI give from tap is it has less bacteria. im 75% sure.


New Member
Oh, I should have mentioned that I have well water. It is a 110 foot well...not sure where nitrates or bacteria would come from. Should have paid more attention in chemistry class. Thanks matti!


Active Member
Let me first say that RO/DI water removes 99.?% of junk in the water. Tap water has a lot of dissolved crap in it that you don't see.
Now I suggest you do a search on PH, Calcium, and Carbonite Hardness. Look for posts by Broomer5 he really knows his stuff.
I can't really give much more help on this subject.