Water Quality


New Member
I have a 1.5 month old setup, the water was and now is not crystal clear. The inhabitants don't seem to be effected and all seem healthy. Will it clear or should I do something. It is not bad and does not seem to be getting worse.
As of 10/29
Ammonia 0.02, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0, PH 8.2-8.4,
SG 1.021-1.022, Temp 77-78
10 gal Sump w/2.5 gal bio balls
Forign made (Simmilar to filstar) 4Stage canister
Lg. Amirical Protin skimmer
Med. Coral Angel (2.5 weeks in tank)
Med. Cinnimon Clown (.5 day)
Y/T Damsel (4.5 weeks)
Royal Gramma (1 weeks)
5 Emerald Crabs (1 weeks)
1 Arrow (1 weeks)
1 Cb Shrimp (1 weeks)
1 Scarlet Cleaner (1 weeks)
1 Florida Condi (1 weeks)


Active Member
Have you cycled the tank with the damsel. Did you notice the ammonia and nitrites rise and fall?
If you have not done a water change perhaps do one now, 10 or 20%
Also you should slow down a bit, let your tank establish and mature. 4 fish in 6 weeks is pushing a new tank.


As col said let it mature. Also if there is not a bacteria build up it will be a little cloudy until a build up occurs. HTH
Since ammonia is present, and since you have added so much in such a short time, I would say your tank is going through what some call a "mini cycle" which sometimes happens to immature tanks when the bioload is too high for the bacteria to keep up. Do not put anything else in your tank for a while.
I worry that the condy will not make it in such a young tank, but good luck. Also shrimp need excellent water quality.
I am not trying to be negative, because we have all been there before, hopefully you don't, but if you happen lose some of your critters, just take it as a sign to go slower. I sincerely hope everything works out fine......
Keep an eye on your parameters and do a water change as mentioned earlier.


New Member
I felt I cycled with the damsel and also added a starter.
The ammonia hit .5 about a week ago, an has since dropped to .02. The nitrites never did anything. I expected more than that.
I know I pushed it, but I am very remote and have very little selection in my area so I did the mail order thing with Saltwaterfish.com and did the ubuild it to save the shipping.
I do not plan on any more inhabitants since I am roughly at a 1" to 5 gal ratio(Full grown).
I will let the tank do it's thing.
Thanks for the prompt reply