Water quality

I have a Protein Skimmer on my 55gl tank...and all my water parameters are pretty normal, nitrates are 20 , nitrites and amonia are 0, ph is 8.2 and calcium and alc are normal. Why is everything pretty normal but my water isn't clear? Is there anything I can use to clear the water?
Thank you!


Gilvin is the yellow pigment in the water caused by the breakdown of waste. I run some carbon for a few hours to clear it up once in a while.


Active Member
HI there and Welcome to the Board! :D
Yes Carbon is great for polishing the water, also used to remove medication. This can clear up cloudy water, how long has it beeen set up? Things should start to settle down...
Best of luck,

nm reef

Active Member
Couple of questions:
How long has your system been set up?
What type of skimmer?
Any macro algaes in display...or refugium?
What do you have for substrate?
What do you have for circulation?
What do you have for filtration besides the skimmer?
If the water has a greenish or yellowish tint to it then I'd suggest running a good carbon for a few days to poliosh the water a bit...real good stuff for keeping the water clear.
the tank is almost 4 months old. I have 80lbs of live sand so about 4 in. or so of sand and a little over 100lbs of rock. it has 1 350mph powerhead. There is no other filtration. Orignally it had a fluval but i thought that was the source of my trates and others on the board told me to ditch it.