Water question, Please Help


I went to my local supermarket and got some RO water for a water change for my tank. I added my salt, and some Sea Chem ph 8.3 Marine buffer to the water, and it got crazy cloudy. Ive since noticed that the label says TDS<10ppm, which Im assumming stands for total disolved salts. Is this alright, and will the cloudiness go away? I really hope this doesnt hurt the critters.
"The amount of dissolved solids in water produced by reverse osmosis is approximately a constant percentage of those in the feed water. For example, when the feed water contains 300 ppm total dissolved solids (TDS), the product water may have 15 to 30 ppm (95% and 90% rejection ratio respectively). A RO system design is based on a certain range of feed water TDS, the percentage of rejection and percentage of recovery desired. For a given system, the higher the percentage of recovery or the lower the percentage of rejection, the poorer the quality of product water becomes. A RO water purification system with a deionizer and/or several modules connected in series can produce water containing less than 0.1 ppm TDS (resistivity about 1 megohm-cm)."
Source: http://www.fda.gov/ora/inspect_ref/itg/itg36.html