water question


My tank evaporates about 7 gallons of water a week.Do I still need to make water changes even though im adding so much water weekly ?


Active Member
Water changes will replace minerals (calium carbonates, iodine, etc) which have been used up. Most water used for topoffs will not have these
Water changes will also remove minerals and other waste products which can build up to toxic levels (e.g. nitrates, heavy metals). Evaporation only concentrates these.


I see you have a 75 gal like mine. How often and how much are you changing the water.I have had my tank up for about 4 months and have made 2 water changes of about 15 gals each.



Originally posted by elfdoctors
Water changes will replace minerals (calium carbonates, iodine, etc) which have been used up. Most water used for topoffs will not have these
Water changes will also remove minerals and other waste products which can build up to toxic levels (e.g. nitrates, heavy metals). Evaporation only concentrates these.

I agree whole hartedly with those statments.
Shhhhh, don't tell Bob.


Active Member

Originally posted by DENNISS
I see you have a 75 gal like mine. How often and how much are you changing the water.

I change about 10 gallons every 1-2 weeks. Half of that goes into my QT to keep the chemistries similar in that tank.

nm reef

Active Member
I must confess...I am Bob...but not THAT Bob!!
The info provided above in regard to water changes is very good. Removal of salt water can export potential toxins and metals that will build up over time and adding fresh saltwater will replenish trace elements that are consumed over time. In my opinion a regular schedule of small 5%-10% water changes using both a quality water source and a quality salt mix is just good husbandry.