Water question


New Member
Well Ive had this 135 gallon sitting for a couple weeks now bitting at the bit. Trying to wait till I can buy a ro water filter from ----. But its gonna be a few more days till I can get it like weeks. Is there any way I could just fill it with well water then add my sand and salt so I can let it start cycling?
Also I notice that there are 3 stage filters and 4 witch one would be needed?


Active Member
You can use well water just get the water conditioner. It is always better to use ro water. But wll water is good be careful though it can be high in iron. not sure what you can do for that.


Active Member
I am not an expert. I know nothing about well water.
I filled my first 2 tanks with tap water and used treated tap water for water changes and top off. I had REALLY bad algea, but was able to keep fish.
The 2nd time I filled my tank, I used treated tap water. For water changes I used ro water from my lfs. Mild algea at first after awhile it subsided.
I used ro water the 3rd time I filled my tank. No algea, healthy fish, perfect water levels never had a problem.
So it is up to you what you do. Ro is recommended. I will tell you it is better to do things right the first time. But in the end it is your tank and you can do as you wish. lol hope that helps

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Silverz28
Well Ive had this 135 gallon sitting for a couple weeks now bitting at the bit. Trying to wait till I can buy a ro water filter from ----. But its gonna be a few more days till I can get it like weeks. Is there any way I could just fill it with well water then add my sand and salt so I can let it start cycling?
Also I notice that there are 3 stage filters and 4 witch one would be needed?
Its fine to use well or Tap as the inicial source.. But it goes without saying that is not a good idea.
That said, when u get the ro unit, u can do a large water change..
You'll need at least a 4 stage. A 3 stage is just an Ro unit, oppossed to an ro/di unit..