Water seem kinda funky??????


Active Member
Well i dont get this..past like 2-3days my water seems to have a hazy look to it and looks kinda like it has a brown tint to it.
Its been through its cycle and tank has been fine with good water
I just checked it and the water is
PH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate about 5-10 hard to tell on color chart
Tank has been up for 2 months..I only have 2 clowns, damsel and lawnmower blenny in a 75gal..Have about 70lb of rock. Is this just one of those diatom blooms. It seems like I have to use my magnet alot cleaning off a very light layer of brown stuff on my glass..I am going to cut my lights down some and cut back on feeding as well.


Active Member
2 months... I'd say it is a normal stage with the brown algae (diatoms). Do you have a protein skimmer? What is your flow gph?


Active Member
yes i have a Skimmer..I have around 1200gph
Nothing in the tank seems to be acting funny..the fish are acting totally normal and the corals I have are open and seem perfectly fine as well.


Active Member
Yup diatoms, your water probably isn't really discolored it's just diatoms on the glass.. you'd be surprised how fast they can cover clean glass.


Active Member
yea I seem to wipe it off then 20min later a thin film again..it seem to make a big difference if I made a few passes on the glass..Ok I wont worry about it being anything bad then.