Water selection


New Member
Is there a problem with using well water for my tank? Hopefully not, it has been up and running sincethe begining of January. I have 60lbs. Live Rock, 80 lbs. crushed coral, 5 Damsels, 1 clown, 1 Brittle Star, 3 Blue legged hermits, and 11 Astre snails. Everything is doing great and active as heck. I use regular water from my well for top offs and have seen no problem. Just curiouse before I start adding more expensive livestock.


New Member
If you mean the tank water I test for Amo., Nitrate Nitrite and the PH every 4 days religiously. I do know we all have fairly hard water out here with much more minerals than city water but crystal clear water non the less. All the readings have always been perfect should I still be concernd?


I ment your well water to see what is in it. I would get some kind of RO system regaurdless of what kind of water you are using. My tap reads 10 on the nitrates. Now I buy my RO water. I don't even use a salt mix. I use water for the Catalina water Co.


Well-Known Member
your well water should be fine. Just make sure you have plenty of plant life in your system to condition it. But generally any water fit for human consumption will work in any aquarium.



Originally posted by beaslbob
your well water should be fine. Just make sure you have plenty of plant life in your system to condition it. But generally any water fit for human consumption will work in any aquarium.



Active Member
your well water should be fine.
I thought that about my well. :nope: High in magnes and iron. I now run RO/DI.
Ejensen, whach out for pot holes, they will rip your front end right off.


Damm potholes. He would of won that race. Gordon always finds some bad luck. And then Johnson doesn't pit. He also should of one. I thought it was going to be a 1 2 finish. I'm happy that Rusty finally won a race.

bang guy


Originally posted by ejensen
Why does everyone do that to beaslbob

Because he constantly attempts to attract new hobbiest to the methods that have killed his fish and corals in the past. Misery loves compnay I guess.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
aerospace engineer... does that mean you drive the tour train at space camp
or are you really good with vectors?

they don't have a tour train at apsce camp.
didn't do too well with vectors. but it seems I have some cross products here.

nm reef

Active Member
The origional question has been answered and there is a difference of opinions....most folks know I'd advise a controlled...quality water source...but that has already been mentioned.
As for flames and allowing threads to degrade into personal assults....that isn't allowed. For that reason this thread is closed and I'd urge all members to refrain from flames in the future.:rolleyes: