Water Softeners


We just moved into a new house that has an old rainsoft water softener. Does anyone know, is the storage tank ,where the salt is, supposed to be full of water? Theres like 1 inch of water in the bottom and its never went up... just doesnt seem right.


I guess its working then. Maybe. How long does it take to use up a block of salt? Weve only went through like a quarter block in a month and a half


Active Member
Originally Posted by scotty37
I guess its working then. Maybe. How long does it take to use up a block of salt? Weve only went through like a quarter block in a month and a half
Mine never seems to have water in the salt chamber. I think the water stays down at the bottom below the level of the salt. Mine uses salt crystals, not a single block of salt though.


Active Member
This is how mine works. Its an older softener so yours may be different. The house water flows through a chamber that is full of resin beads. These beads are what softens the water. They attract the metals in the water and the metals stick to the beads. Now when it is scheduled to "recharge" some water is flowed through the salt in the main tank and is back flushed through the beads. The salt detaches the metals from the beads and is flushed do the drain.
The beads are clean and start to do their thing in softening the water.
The amount of salt used is based on how many times it is scheduled to recharge the beads. This should be based on how many bathes and folks are living in the house. I recharge 3 times a week.......
There should be no water in the salt chamber unless it is recharging. This should be done at night when no one is using water. Mine also takes a couple of hours to go through the whole process.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
something is VERY wrong if ur water is hard imo
I'd like to hear your reasoning behind this one, lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
I'd like to hear your reasoning behind this one, lol.
its kind of a joke, waters fairly soft in comparison to most solids, if its hard then theres something very wrong w/ it


Active Member
My softener is about 9 years old (age of my house) As far as I know it doesnt have any resin beads in it though. The water comes from my well pump and passes through the 2 chambers of the softener, running through the salt crystals as it goes. The salt removes the unwanted stuff from the water and then the water is ran up through the house. My softener does a cleaning cycle on it's own after every 1000 gallons of water passes through it.