water temp to high. HELP


First off here is my setup
46g BF
40lbs sand/ 20lbs ls
20lbs lr (so far)
2-maxijet 600s
magnum 350 canister
ive had my tank set up like this for about 4 days or so and iv'e been monitoring my temp, it won't get any cooler than 78-80. I know that 72-78 is the optimal temp range but I would like to keep it around 74-76. I think my magnum might be the cause of this problem.
Any one else had this problem? How do I get my temp down w/o purchasing a chiller?
Thanks to everyone.


Active Member
Nothing wrong with that temperature as long as it's constant. If it's a reef, you can even go higher. :D


Active Member
I keep my temp at 80 temp on reef "heard from bang" is anywere from 75 to 85 degrees. It also depends on what reef to. If there was a reef in antartica it would be below 0 lol.

bang guy


Originally posted by sparky101
but I would like to keep it around 74-76.

In my opinion this temperature is too cold for tropical reef animals.


Active Member
Talking about bang
"heard from bang"
And then he replied. I mention stuff I learned from him and the other mods alot.


ah ok .... btw my tank is full of little white bugs i noticed it today...from what i've seen on here its a good thing? and my lil tang died..i think he was sick when my dad got him from *****..didn't make it a week:eek:


Active Member
What type of tang was it? Yeah there is some info I have on picking fish from the pet store if you want it. If so post your email. Also anyone els that wants it post to.
And mods dont worrie this is an advice site only not selling anything. Would I make you mad