Water Temp too high - help


New Member
:help: my tank is a 46 gallon with live rock (about 14-15 lbs) no fish (3 green chromis died from parasites ) did 75% water change...had water tested...all levels good to go...bought a blue chromis to put in tank today...when I got back home temp in tank had gone up to 86 degrees...from 80 degrees. The temp outside went up and it must have warmed up my tank too. The question is...how do i get the temp down so that my new fishy is okay? It is floating in the bag now and i do not have another tank to put it in.
Oh yeah, the tank is about 2 1/2 months old. Very new.

mx mr bean

ive had this same problem i tried to kep it at 79 degrees but it skyrocketed up to 87 everything in the tank eccept my clownfish died. instead of buying a chiller i used a fan and aimed it at the top of my tank for a day or two to help bring it down, i lowered the amount of time my lights were on, and i lowered the temperature on my heater a few degrees. good luck figuring it out. hope i could help


well,, if every thing is back to normal,, it should be fine, just cool down the tank to where u want it at, and float the fish a little longer so that it can adjust to the temp, do u have any thing else n the tank???


New Member
Nothing else is in the tank except for the live rock and live sand. I'm just afraid that the temp is too high for the fish. It felt like bath water. The only reason I got him, is to see if he survives before I spend alot of money on the fish I want. He was only $5


Usually what people do to immediately cool down their tanks is to float bags, or containers of ice on top...or they use a fan.
In the long-run with severe temperature fluctuations, a chiller is a good (but expensive) option.


do u have a fan or a cooler for your lights,,, if not i would get one because somtimes the lights can generate alot of heat,, just make sure u lower the temp to where you want it and add the fish in,, but make sure you float it so it can adjust.
some ideas for cooling:
purchase a cooler
float a bag of ice,, (double bag it)


Originally Posted by pokey
Usually what people do to immediately cool down their tanks is to float bags, or containers of ice on top...or they use a fan.
In the long-run with severe temperature fluctuations, a chiller is a good (but expensive) option.
i am sorry, i did not mean to copy you, i was just typing for a while


Originally Posted by BIG-FISH
i am sorry, i did not mean to copy you, i was just typing for a while

Haha, no worries. Great minds... ;)


New Member
okay, will use a ice for now and will purchase a cooler. The light has been off all day, i think the room is just small enough that i warmed it up. The room temp is 74 degrees and the tank is 86. Seems odd to me that this would happen with the lights off and the curtains closed all day. Have set temp on heater at 79 degrees just in case temp drops tonight...and will float ice bag to cool down. thank you so much for the advise...you never know when you start this hobby what kind of quirks it involves...:)

d0 thy d3w

like a few other people stated..buy some computer fans. hook them up to an A.C adapter..and mount them over the tank to blow cool air over ur tank...also purchase a heater, set it to around 78-79ish that will keep ur tank from getting too cool and should keep ur temp in check...and on the computer fans..id probably use 4 of them...good luck!


Active Member
I also noticed nobody asked if you have a top on your tank. If you do, you would want to remove it and leave it open. Good Luck


New Member
Yes, I have a glass top that the light sits on. I have it opened. Since I posted I have put the fish in the tank and he seems fine for now. Will watch him and see how he does. It is a blue chromis and they apparently change colors. He was grayish black in the bag and now he is very vivid royal blue now. BEAUTIFUL for $5
I had a big problem keeping my 120 cool despite the fact that my house is usually a steady 72F, once I added my MH. I had mounted it inside the top cabinet. I was topping my sump off with ice for a while to control it. The I removed the MH, cut a hole in the top cabinet and mounted the halide to the top. It looks great, gives me more room inside, keeps the temp at a steady 77-80 and cut down on my evaporation.


New Member
Can I ask...what do you mean by MH and halide? I am so new to this would love to learn as much as I can about your lingo. Have been reading site for a few weeks now and have learned so much from all of you. Thanks for advice.


freeze some ro water and throw the frozzen cubes in ur tank that works or if u have the money def get a chiller!!!