water temp


I have a 75g reef and for the last 3 days its been very hot and the temp of my tank went from a steady 82 to a steady 86. Is this to high if so what is the best way to lower temp


Active Member
You can either get some small fans to blow across the surface of the water, or you can float ice cubes in a zip lock bag. :D


id say thats too hot, but more dangerous is the quick jump. How hot is it in the surrounding room? Maybe point a fan on it or turn the A/C on. that helps mine during these hot months!


Active Member
Room temp is the key if your not running a chiller (even then it might be a problem) Like suggested, I'd add some fans that blow across the water surface..evaporation is a good thing, make sure you top off with fresh RODI water as much as possible.
I don't like to see my tank get over 83...86 is really pushin it.


Active Member
You would be amazed at what a simple fan can do blowing across the surface of the tank :yes:


Ophiura's, right it really helps! You can also try blowing a fan on your sump as well. If you get real bored you can get some pvc pipe and sig-zag your water flow from your over flow before it gets to your sump and blow a fan on that making your very own cheap charlie radiator or chiller and put the fan on a timer so it cools when the light comes on or the heat of the day :happy:


New Member
just do a 5 gallon water change on the tank but use cold water on the change out .. dont pour the water on any living animals. deffinately put a fan on your sump if you can!.
good luck!