water temp


120 gallon/ 200 watt heater(2) set at 78/ 1 each of K 3&4/ live sand/skimmer off/room temp is 68-- all of these in the tank running for several days at a temp reading of 79-80.
So, 2 days ago, added some live rocks round 40-50lbs.another 1 each of K3&4(so i have a total of 4 already running), skimmer turned on--temp went to 82, so I turned off both heaters, turned off 1 K4, temp even went to 84. my stand is closed on 4 sides but i have vents in it and a 2x2 hole, so i just placed a fan inside, i dont know if the fan is goin to help. any thing I can do?


Well first, turn your heaters back on and set them for 82. That way your temp will never fall below that.
Do you have the glass tops? Do you have a canopy or open top?
I assume you know about a chiller but are looking for ways to get the temp down without it right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Well first, turn your heaters back on and set them for 82. That way your temp will never fall below that.
Do you have the glass tops? Do you have a canopy or open top?
I assume you know about a chiller but are looking for ways to get the temp down without it right?
Set at 82????


i have a canopy with 2 fans, but not turned on coz my lights are off coz im just cycling. yep, ur right, im just trying to find ways to lower the temp without the use of chillers.


Well, do not underestimate the power of the fans! I could not believe how well they worked!! I hooked mine up to the same timer that my halides were on.
When your canopy lights are on and you have the sump fan, it should be enough to bring it down a couple of degrees. You will have more evaporation so be prepared for more top offs.
Do you understand why I told you what I did about the heaters? If not, I'll 'splain.


the main thing about temp is you want it constant if you can keep it at 80-82 without slucuations its better than 80 in the day and 78 at night. with that I kept mine 80-81 degrees


hey Tizzo, I like that thread.all the while I thought you must stick to like 78-80 but when i read that thread, it kinda gave me peace of mind. I found out that lots are keeping theirs more than 80 with and without heaters. I hope u dont mind explaining about the heater again, just wanna make sure were on the same page.


if your temp is flucuating between low 78 and high 81 if you set your heaters to the 81 it will keep the tank temp from dipping to the 78 and keep it a more constant temperature.


If you bump your heater up to 82 degrees then your tank will never go below that temp, and from what your saying, your equipment raises the temp to 84. While your equipment keeps the water warm, your heater will not cut on, but if a night gets chilly or your fans work to well, then the heaters will cut on and your steady temp will be between 82 and 84. Stability is very important. You don't want your water to be 84 then on a chilly night the temp drops all the way down to 75.
It's funny, here in Florida people think I'm crazy when I tell them my tank is at 82. We all need chillers down here anyway, but EVERYBODY I've met here including all the LFS people say 77. But in Charlotte everybody was at 82ish... Funny how "the rules" change from place to place.


New Member
I'm new to this hobby and still in my cycling stage , and was concered about my water being 79 to 81 w/o my heaters, and after adding a third fan in my canopy it still didn't change much.I was about to buy a chiller but now I'll just set my heater so it won't dip below 79 at night and just control the temp. swings.BTW does the cycle make the temp. swing form time to time or is the normal?
Thanks for the thread it was very helpful


a cycling tank has no effect on the temperature. the cycle is in basic terms a period of bacterial growth in the tank.
I am glad it help you out and welcome to the board!!


New Member
Thanks for responed so fast,also my salt level is at 1.024,will this come down after the cycle or do I need to do a water change ?
Thanks for any advice all is helpful.


no it wont come down during the cycle the salt content will stay the same unless you dont top off the evaporated water. I would actually raise it just a bit to 1.026 its better for inverts.