Water Temperature Fluctuation


Does anyone know of a good way to keep water temperatures from fluctuating? My water temperature jumps up from 75 degrees F to 80 degrees F and back down again constantly.


is it at night time when the tempature drops. if so you could put a heater on a timer to come on after your lights go off to keep the temp at the 80 degree mark.


Active Member
No need for a timmer if the heater is fucntioning right. Set heater to keep tank temp at 79/80 deg, and be done with it. During the day when it heats up the heater wil not cycle on and off and it will keep it at that temp at night....no more large fluctuations....


ok I had the same issue a week ago, I started my tank in the winter and now summer is here and I was freaking out. I was shooting to keep my tank at 78. Well it would jump to 81.2-7, Thats a huge jump in my opinion because you really dont want any change, and definatly less than 2 degrees throughout the day. So I bit the bullet and decided to raise the tank temp to 80. Now that I have it set not to go below 80, when it raises to allmost 82 in the heat of the day, its 2 degrees less of a jump.


Is it really bad for fish? I mean, its not like the temp rises or drops quickly. It does it slowly at least every other hour daytime and night time. Maybe the sensor in the heater is malfunctioning?


when I scuba dive i feel tempature changes, sometimes pretty dramatic changes. so i doubt 2 degrees will hurt much.